Title: They Mostly Come Out At Night
Author: Benedict Patrick
Length - 200 pages
Rating - 4.5 stars
I think I found this book through BookBub and am SO GLAD that they featured it! The story has all the elements of a good dark fairy tale, fantasy with some light gore and a healthy dose of folklore. I highly recommend this to anyone looking for a good folk tale!
It isn't a happy story - but a very good one; it is well edited and reads smoothly. If you are a person judging books by their covers you won't be disappointed either - the cover art is stunning.
In brief summary: think of the perfect dark fairy tale. A lower and elite class, animal races, the villager hero willing to sacrifice everything for his loved one{s}. A Magpie King and an Owl queen, a pale lady....all mixed with the past and present folklore of Yarnsworld. Patrick has a solid start on the world building as well, and I can't wait to see how he develops it.
The writing is a little basic and most of the dialogue doesn't flatter the characters, but the art is in the storytelling here. I was blessedly able to just read the story. I stayed hooked for the four hours it took me to devour the book!
I think the author will develop his groove and make this into a great series, four books and some short stories are available and they are on my short list right now!
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