Thank you to NetGalley and Mythic Delirium Books for the eARC in exchange for an honest review!
This fairy tale filled collection of eight stories and 23 poems doesn't release until Feb 5th 2019, but it is available for pre-order.
Theodora Goss definitely takes a unique approach to fairy tale tellings! This collection of poems and short stories takes on many well known tales like Snow White, Thumbellina, Sleeping Beauty, and others that I can't place. Goss completely recreates or adds to the tales, imagines new endings, and makes them her own.
I personally liked Blanchefleur because even though I didn't know the original tale, it was a good story! Rose Child was a wonderfully written shorter poem. I giggled when Sleeping Beauty's "prince" fell into a fairy hole instead, and the author gave that old hound a happy ending!
Not what I was expecting but pretty unique and I liked these tales a lot. 4/5 stars!
